Benjamin Fontaine - Annecy - Lead Developer © 2024

Ben Fontaine : R&D - Dev - Web - Php - Video - Drones

This current "draft" resume replaces the previous outdated version (2014). Please take note it is incomplete at this moment, as most of the texts are written in french or english only. This is the faster attempt to resume a past decade of work. You can either use arrowkeys, thumbnails or swipe to get next slides

Table of contents - first overview

Salomon : July 2014 - July 2015 : 1 year full time 120% Symfony »

• Complete re-design of 's backoffice & frontoffice ( Symfony, 2go massive relational mysql database, bash scripting, 5 servers monitoring ) • Object oriented programming ++, Redis, Anti dogpile && ddos php scripts • Complex entities + related duplications : translations / navigations / activities / ranges / segments / subsegments / products / articles / colors / sizes through 62 subsidiaries • Surgical mysql optimizations : from 190 seconds, 1423Mo for a page rendering to 8Mo, 183 ms • Monitoring, deployments, load tests, salomon's logs files processing & classyfing, documentation (abudant) • Vertical Websites : Salomon running js debuggin, promises, asynchronous flux loading • Keywords : redis, memcache, apache, php, git, mysql, symfony, grep, phpUnit, behat, selenium

The Lab : miscellaneous works

- Javascript advanced promises library, handles multiple conditions : is jQuery loaded ? is Json Data Loaded ? is there previous errors ? Shall I log them ? used : Prechoix - android apps - Geolocalisation par ip ou navigateur, utilisation de clusters, décalage de coordonnées polaires de point ayant la même localisation - Parallax responsive compactible android, utilisant la boussole et l'accéléromètre - Racetrack framework code soon available ( with some pretty gems inside : 9 layers cache engine, prepared multi statements, injection prevention, denormalization API, mysql leverage ) - Fully configured Optimized Virtual Machines : debian8, ie6, ie7, ie8 - JS Parallax demo, Real Estate Custom cms ( +update API google maps : query for lat,lon according to custom adress ) - Scripts backup, rsync entre serveur prod et failover ( avec script réinstallation complète en cas de panne disque dur sur une machine ) - SEO : unique php script for creating contents, indexing them, choosing title, rotating, preventing non-duplication of title & page contents + monitoring performance - Electronics, soldering, tiny airplanes & drones assembling, repairs

Speed Dev

Basis : common sense, reduce development & maintenance times at minimal for heavy time constraints • Lower further maintenance time / task at minimum : Pre-set Conf files : avoids editing 36+ different files for simple mods • OO+ debugger for JS & PHP => allows classified quick persisting dumps of variables upon condition met, does never affect user • global php/js/mysql debugging, matching previous specs + log files analyser • using Symfony, Wordpress, Drupal or even flat php ( having re-taken lots of flat php projects, developped by 34+ freelancers within 7 years with no documentation .. ) • time savers : custom CMS (real estate,ckeditor based) or framework, bootstrap or custom css, jquery or custom js library • portable within environments, having failsafes such as database/redis cache etc..


Personnal framework ( started in 2007, now a mix of good practise between symfony, wordpress, joomla, drupal & mine ) - Includes : cache engine, massive response time optimization - Partially included into : salomon & renault Some elements within this gallery might be very old ..

Prechoix Ciel »

• HR responsive web application, used to have 5000+ users, 27 admins ( multiple cities & sub-services ) • Full debug log, for any connexion, session, updates, javascript, php or even mysql error. Cronjobs & shell scripts ( mail notification, database updates, backups etc .. • Built for 50000+ users, handles 120+ simultaneous users upon minimalistic Amazon t1.micro ( 1go ram ). • Average php page rendering time : 5ms. • Massive caching, cdn & 304 headers usage. • Iphone & android responsive. UI dynamic data updates + tone notification upon each update. • Internet Explorer 6+ Retro-compactibility , optionnal https foreach user to logon correctly, so the application obtains a 100% usage score. Metrics : From 14 August 2013 to 10 Sept 2015 : 17475 simulations, 6024477 assignments, 8821430 operations within 5 hours, 2 minuts et 20 seconds ( average : 486.3 ops/s )

Full Stack Developer

Sysadmin : gestion de serveurs dédiés depuis l'installation, la maintenance, backup & migrations. Debian, kimsufi, aws, ec2, shell, cronjobs, linux, apache, php, mysql, redis, git, munin Total time estimation spent upon those technologies / keywords ( respectively relative to each other ) : Php : 9 years, mysql : 4.5 years, javascript : 4 years, css : 3 years, Symfony : 15 months, drupal : 6 month , wordpress : 7 month, joomla : 4 month, git : 2 years, amazon web services : 1 year, shell : 4 months, munin : 5 month, kimsufi : 4 years, amazon web services : 5 month, sqlite : 8 month Other keywords : beanstalk, github, profiling, xhprof


Some of the background pictures within this presentation are mine ( not all ). Besides selling some best shots to fotolia Here are some latest samples :


Développeur Web Freelance ( siren : 498627850 ) 2014 - 2015 : Backoffice developer @ Megalos ( salomon, renault ) since 2010 : Freelance ( courtiers genevois, intranets commerciaux, bases de données, prechoix ciel, applications android, integrations, missions en agence ) 2009-2010: I2B consulting Annemasse : Réalisation de sites internet PME : chef de projet & développeur 2007-2009: Cgp invest Archamps : développeur : édition de site thématiques ( php, wordpress, drupal ), seo, sem 2006 : Maison du net : développeur et chef de projet Formation 2006 : DUT SRC ( Services, Réseaux, Communications ) à l'université Joseph Fournier Grenoble 2004 : 1ère année IUT Mesures Physiques Annecy le vieux 2003 : Baccalauréat Sciences & Techniques de Laboratoire avec Mention Bien Website: 2014 version
Tuesday 22 October 2024 19:32:00 - Lac Annecy - pilote drone annecy haute savoie